Detail kurzu
Categorical Data Analysis Using Logistic Regression
EDU Trainings s.r.o.
Popis kurzu
This course focuses on analyzing categorical response data in scientific fields. The SAS/STAT procedures addressed are PROC FREQ, PROC LOGISTIC, PROC VARCLUS, and PROC GENMOD. The ODS Statistical Graphics procedures used are PROC SGPLOT and PROC SGPANEL. The course is not designed for predictive modelers in business fields, although predictive modelers can benefit from the content of this course.
Obsah kurzu
Categorical Data and Contingency Table Analysisintroduction to categorical dataassociations among categorical variablesstratified contingency table analysisBinary Logistic Regressionintroduction to logistic regressionadding categorical predictors and the CLASS statementModel Buildingempirical logit plotsconfounding and interactionsautomatic model selectionvariable clustering for variable reductioncustomized testsModel Illustration and Assessmentinteraction illustrationmodel sssessmentROC curvesoutlier detectionMultinomial Logistic Regressionordinal logistic regressionnominal logistic regressionAdvanced Topicscorrelated observationsGEE regression modelsconditional logistic regressionfailure to converge and small samplesCílová skupina
Biostatisticians, epidemiologists, social scientists, and physical scientists who analyze categorical response data and predictive modelers who would like to learn more about the statistical background of logistic regressionCertifikát
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