Detail kurzu

Statistics 2: ANOVA and Regression

EDU Trainings s.r.o.

Popis kurzu

This course teaches you how to analyze continuous response data and discrete count data. Linear regression, Poisson regression, negative binomial regression, gamma regression, analysis of variance, linear regression with indicator variables, analysis of covariance, and mixed models ANOVA are presented in the course.

Obsah kurzu

Regressionbuilding and evaluating polynomial regression models using PROC GLMSELECT and PROC REGdealing with violations of model assumptions and multicollinearityAnalysis of Varianceperforming n-way ANOVAinterpreting significant interactionswriting LSMESTIMATE statementsperforming evaluation of model assumptions and remedial measuresRegression Using Indicator Variables and Analysis of Covariancebuilding and interpreting analysis of covariance models using the GLM procedureleast squares means from an ANCOVA modeldiagnostics and remedial measures for ANCOVA modelsGeneralized Linear Modelsusing the GENMOD procedure to fit Poisson and negative binomial regression modelsusing the GLIMMIX procedure to fit gamma regression modelsLinear Mixed Modelsperforming linear mixed model analysis with PROC GLIMMIX

Cílová skupina

Data analysts and researchers with some statistical training
Certifikát Na dotaz.


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